Welcome! If you are a student at any level, this is the place for you. If you are just a person who struggles with motivation, productivity, making good habits, or mastering any skill, this is also the place for you.
This blog contains the condensed knowledge, experience, and tips that I have mustered in my life as a full time student with many other passions and responsibilities.
Now, here’s my story:
I started this blog for several reasons. First of them being my genuine passion for writing, creating content, and directly influencing the lives of others. If you know me, then you know that the above statement is truly who I am.
Second, everywhere I go, people always ask me “How do you do it all at such a young age?” Even though I don’t like that question (more on that later), I still find myself sitting down with these people and explaining to them how they, too, “can do it all”. Nobody can be good at everything. Balance is a false concept. The real key to succeeding at the many things you pursue is to imbalance your life towards them.
I realized that many people don’t know that and still follow this societal trend of being a walking machine with a to-do list stamped on their palms.
Such idealism will get you nowhere, nowhere but melt-down after melt-down.
Lastly, I started this blog because when I was trying to figure my life out, nobody was there to give me advice or insight. I desperately needed some kind of mentor, but found none.
I took the hard path. I pulled all nighters for AP Biology exams, spent weekend afternoons putting together DBQs and FRQs for AP European History, organizing team meetings for my none-ending list of clubs, extra-curriculars, leadership groups, and student organizations.
As I ate dinner with my family I would be watching anatomy lectures on YouTube and finishing last-minute AP chemistry homework on my way to church where I would lead worship before the entire congregation.
I realized that this was no way to live. I took a few weeks off from everything and reprogrammed my life.
This sounds insanely dramatic and your life may not be that extreme. Yet, if there is a better way to do things, then why not learn how? Leave all the exhaustion and pain to your past self because now you will understand how to ace your life with every read.
And if you’re not into reading, then no worries, you can get the same information in video form right here.
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