Top 50 Media Outlets for Personal Development

Top 50 Media Outlets for Personal Development

The search for high-quality, entertaining content is an arduous one. The information we consume is important and must be chosen carefully and wisely because it essentially shapes who we are. What you choose to surround yourself with, physically and mentally, defines you.

Therefore, it is of utmost importance to select only what will serve you.

Consuming media that inhibits your growth or doesn’t improve your life in any way is an utter waste of time. You can be entertained and have fun while at the same time developing yourself. It’s not a one-sided coin.

You can watch movies (a form of entertainment and luxury experience) that have empowering and inspiring themes. You can follow charismatic and humorous individuals on social media that also build you up and motivate you. You can watch animated videos or picturesque vlogs that teach you a thing or two about life, yourself, and the people around you. You can grow while you glow.

The first place to start in my opinion is to study the most genius human beings from the past, then read really good books in the areas you want to improve.

But, the words “study” and “read” tend to draw a negative response from any young adult in the 21st century. As a generation, we shy away from anything that requires deep critical analysis. Like two protons, we repel all intricate, hard work.

We like the words “watch” and “listen” more. Oh, how we love listening to music, watching movies, reading tiny cute captions on a post that give us just the right amount of inspiration. God knows what may happen if we read more than 3 paragraphs at a time…

That said, we might as well make the most of the time we spend on social media. So, here is a list of the top 50 media outlets for personal development.

YouTube Channels:

  1. TEDx Talks
  2. Tom Bileyu
  3. Matt D’Avella
  4. Improvement Pill
  5. Thomas Frank
  6. Better Ideas
  7. Charisma on Command
  8. Marie Forleo
  9. Freedom in Thought
  10. Be Inspired
  11. Memorize Academy
  12. Graham Stephen
  13. Kevin Jubaal, M.D.
  14. ProjectElon
  15. Practical Psychology
Tom Bilyeu: 'To Stay Ahead Of Trends You Have To Create Them'
Personal Favorite: Tom Bileyu (Founder of Impact Theory Podcast)


  1. The Matrix
  2. October Sky
  3. The Color Purple
  4. The Pursuit of Happyness
  5. The Greatest Showman
  6. Karate Kid
  7. Mulan
  8. Good Will Hunting
  9. A Beautiful Mind
  10. Inside Out
  11. Invictus
  12. Remember the Titans
  13. Peaceful Warrior
  14. Spirited Away
  15. The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind
The Matrix (1999) - Rotten Tomatoes
Personal favorite: The Matrix


  1. Impact Theory
  2. The School of Greatness
  3. The Tim Ferris Show
  4. Happier with Gretchen Rubin
  5. The Tony Robbins Podcast
  6. On Purpose with Jay Shetty
  7. Women of Impact
  8. The Dave Ramsey Show
  9. TED Radio Hour
  10. Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations
School of Greatness Podcast - Lewis Howes
Personal favorite: The School of Greatness


  1. Marie Forleo
  2. James Clear
  3. Michael Hyatt
  4. Tim Ferris
  5. Success Magazine
  6. Science of People
  7. Lifehack
  8. MindBodyGreen
  9. Pick The Brain
  10. Chris Guillebeau/ The Art of Non-Conformity
The Art of Non-Conformity | Blog Design Heroes
Personal favorite: The Art of Non-Conformity by Chris Guillebeau


Personal development should not come off as a tedious task. If you are reading this article and have reached this point, then you must know how lucky you are to have all of these resources and networks at your fingertips, and many of them for free. This is a privilege that very few have. The best way to show gratitude for it, is to use it to grow yourself and then lead some kind of change and pay it forward. All of these resources are, quiet honestly, world-class. You get to have the best type of education and inspiration from the world’s contemporary leading minds. What a true blessing! Now go make use of it!

P.S. My personal favorites are by no means better than the rest. Every single resource in this article is equally incredible by objective standards. I chose to highlight my personal favorites simply to honor the impact these resources and creators have had on my personal life.

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