High Performance Mentality: 100 Key Takeaways From the World’s Greatest Minds

The best way to become successful and have a meaningful life is to live at the intersection of your gifts and the needs of the world. Aristotle put it best: “Where the needs of the world and your talents cross, there lies your vocation”–which reminds me of something that productivity Continue Reading

Top 5 Tips to Build Strong Relationships

The truth is that you can pursue your goals and be the most successful person on the planet and still be the unhappiest! Why? Because happiness is derived from a feeling of profound meaning, not a list of accomplishments. Of course you can pursue a career that contributes major value Continue Reading

How to Be Mentally Strong: The 3 Most Powerful Tips

Mental strength is malleable. In fact, the physical anatomy of the brain is itself malleable. Traits aren’t fixed and neither are abilities. All of them could be cultivated and developed. You just need to know how. The way we choose to think about obstacles determines their significance and impact more Continue Reading

How to Change a Habit: The 4 Pillars of Habit Formation

Do you have the habit of procrastinating until the last minute? Do you have the habit of shoving unhealthy food down your throat even when you know it’s not good for you? Do you you waste more time than you should on social media, insignificant news channels, or unproductive tasks? Continue Reading

How Can You Stick with a Habit Long Enough to See Results?

Most people get extremely hyped up at the beginning of the year, month, or week to change something about themselves or their lifestyle. You see it everywhere. Gyms get bombarded with new members by the 3rd of January, classes get packed with students on Monday morning, and even churches get Continue Reading

The Number One Method to Become a Successful Student

There are so many tips and tricks and student hacks out there that can seem so overwhelming and counter-intuitive. Some days, writing a master to-do list and cleaning your environment or having a cozy drink next to you just won’t do it. I’ve certainly been there for more than I Continue Reading