7 Ways to Prepare for a Successful New Semester

Whether you are about to leave behind summer vacation to start your first semester in the school year or are going into the second one, starting a new semester can be stressful. It is a time of confusion and anxiety for many students, simply because they haven’t prepared well, don’t Continue Reading

Top 5 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Study

I really admire people who are consistent in their emotional state. You know those people who are just stable and have one or two emotions that they exude at all times? I specifically admire those people when these emotions are “energetic and motivated”. That said, even the most driven, hard-working, Continue Reading

How Can You Stay Motivated Year-round?

“Tomorrow, folks, we will take our 65-multiple-choice-question-and-5-free- response-question final for this class. But, don’t forget, your Unit 9 Pogil is also due tomorrow and your DNA Building Simulation on Monday and a recorded video on your Amino Acid Roles presentation is due Tuesday.” I exited class that Thursday wanting to Continue Reading

How Can You Stick with a Habit Long Enough to See Results?

Most people get extremely hyped up at the beginning of the year, month, or week to change something about themselves or their lifestyle. You see it everywhere. Gyms get bombarded with new members by the 3rd of January, classes get packed with students on Monday morning, and even churches get Continue Reading