Top 10 Tips for Success in Online School

It’s Corona time, baby! And guess what? You and I are stuck at home trying to find the limits of piecewise functions through a computer screen. It’s a blessing to still be able to learn, no matter how strange and complex the situation is. If you are complaining about the Continue Reading

How Can You Stay Motivated Year-round?

“Tomorrow, folks, we will take our 65-multiple-choice-question-and-5-free- response-question final for this class. But, don’t forget, your Unit 9 Pogil is also due tomorrow and your DNA Building Simulation on Monday and a recorded video on your Amino Acid Roles presentation is due Tuesday.” I exited class that Thursday wanting to Continue Reading

How Can You Stick with a Habit Long Enough to See Results?

Most people get extremely hyped up at the beginning of the year, month, or week to change something about themselves or their lifestyle. You see it everywhere. Gyms get bombarded with new members by the 3rd of January, classes get packed with students on Monday morning, and even churches get Continue Reading

The Number One Method to Become a Successful Student

There are so many tips and tricks and student hacks out there that can seem so overwhelming and counter-intuitive. Some days, writing a master to-do list and cleaning your environment or having a cozy drink next to you just won’t do it. I’ve certainly been there for more than I Continue Reading