How to Make the Most Out of Summer | Summer Prep

When the final bell of the school year rings around mid-June, I always feel a newfound vivacity sprouting from deep within my soul. FINALLY. I could go do what I want to do now. Freedom at last. It’s not that I hate school. It’s that summer finally offers me an Continue Reading

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Students

Being an effective student doesn’t happen overnight, nor does it happen unintentionally. All effective students have a strategy, meaning actions that they do consistently and intentionally. What, then, are these habits that produce highly effective students? Well, before we begin, it’s important to define a few things to clear up Continue Reading

The Number One Method to Become a Successful Student

There are so many tips and tricks and student hacks out there that can seem so overwhelming and counter-intuitive. Some days, writing a master to-do list and cleaning your environment or having a cozy drink next to you just won’t do it. I’ve certainly been there for more than I Continue Reading