Top 50 Media Outlets for Personal Development

The search for high-quality, entertaining content is an arduous one. The information we consume is important and must be chosen carefully and wisely because it essentially shapes who we are. What you choose to surround yourself with, physically and mentally, defines you. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to select Continue Reading

How to Take Better Notes: The Top 4 Note-taking Systems

In middle school, the tests were so easy that I didn’t even need notes. It would suffice to listen to the teacher in class at least once every week. The questions for every subject were so straightforward and required basic levels of common sense. Fast forward to AP Biology freshman Continue Reading

How to Make the Most Out of Summer | Summer Prep

When the final bell of the school year rings around mid-June, I always feel a newfound vivacity sprouting from deep within my soul. FINALLY. I could go do what I want to do now. Freedom at last. It’s not that I hate school. It’s that summer finally offers me an Continue Reading

The Morning Routine That Changed My Life

I hate exaggeration. Nothing irritates me more than when people make illegitimate claims and expect you to fall for them. Advertising and marketing is out of the career options for me! However, once or twice in a lifetime you will come across a big, bold claim and find out that Continue Reading

40 Books That Will Change Your Life | The Ultimate Reading List

Reading offers so much. It unravels mysteries, provides escape, and deepens our understanding of people, places, and ideas. Yet, as much as I hate to admit it, reading is not a popular activity among the teenagers and young adults of the 21st century. Young people are disliking reading more and Continue Reading

7 Tips to Eliminate Test Anxiety

“Ugh. I know I did terrible. I’m just not a good test-taker.” I heard one of my friends make these statements as we exited the site of our 3-hour AP Biology exam freshmen year. I remember feeling a mixture of exhaustion, nervousness, and optimism about my performance. But when I Continue Reading

High Performance Mentality: 100 Key Takeaways From the World’s Greatest Minds

The best way to become successful and have a meaningful life is to live at the intersection of your gifts and the needs of the world. Aristotle put it best: “Where the needs of the world and your talents cross, there lies your vocation”–which reminds me of something that productivity Continue Reading

How to Wake Up Early (Without Feeling Tired)

So, what’s really the secret to waking up early? If I can be 100% transparent right now and save you whatever time it takes to read this article, the answer would simply be: to go to bed early. But, it’s not really that easy to tell anyone, including yourself, to Continue Reading

7 Ways to Prepare for a Successful New Semester

Whether you are about to leave behind summer vacation to start your first semester in the school year or are going into the second one, starting a new semester can be stressful. It is a time of confusion and anxiety for many students, simply because they haven’t prepared well, don’t Continue Reading

Top 10 Time Management Tips for Students

I used to be a great planner. Really. At the age of 5, my mom made little schedules of all the things I had to do (chores, schoolwork, playtime, reading, bathing, napping, etc.) and pinned it to my dresser. I had a very good understanding of the purpose of that Continue Reading