How to Break Your Phone Addiction

The last year or so has forced many of us to resort to social media as a means of social interaction. I, for one, became radically reliant on it to stay connected with family and friends that I was banned from seeing in person. Before then, social media wasn’t a Continue Reading

The Morning Routine That Changed My Life

I hate exaggeration. Nothing irritates me more than when people make illegitimate claims and expect you to fall for them. Advertising and marketing is out of the career options for me! However, once or twice in a lifetime you will come across a big, bold claim and find out that Continue Reading

How to Wake Up Early (Without Feeling Tired)

So, what’s really the secret to waking up early? If I can be 100% transparent right now and save you whatever time it takes to read this article, the answer would simply be: to go to bed early. But, it’s not really that easy to tell anyone, including yourself, to Continue Reading

21 Simple Ways to Be Healthier in 2021

A person’s life isn’t what happens to them on the outside; it’s not the tragedies, misfortunes, illnesses, or injustices they encounter. Rather, it is their response to all of the above.  In 2020, we all learned that there a whole lot of things that we don’t (and can’t) control. But Continue Reading

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Students

Being an effective student doesn’t happen overnight, nor does it happen unintentionally. All effective students have a strategy, meaning actions that they do consistently and intentionally. What, then, are these habits that produce highly effective students? Well, before we begin, it’s important to define a few things to clear up Continue Reading

How to Grow Your Relationship With God as a Student and Young Adult

Many young adults are genuinely confused with regards to anything spiritual or metaphysical. Others choose to ignore such topics all together. And still, many others don’t know how to grow their relationship with God. While I believe that such matters must be addressed and analyzed from a person’s youth, it Continue Reading

Top 5 Tips to Build Strong Relationships

The truth is that you can pursue your goals and be the most successful person on the planet and still be the unhappiest! Why? Because happiness is derived from a feeling of profound meaning, not a list of accomplishments. Of course you can pursue a career that contributes major value Continue Reading

How to Change a Habit: The 4 Pillars of Habit Formation

Do you have the habit of procrastinating until the last minute? Do you have the habit of shoving unhealthy food down your throat even when you know it’s not good for you? Do you you waste more time than you should on social media, insignificant news channels, or unproductive tasks? Continue Reading

How Can You Stick with a Habit Long Enough to See Results?

Most people get extremely hyped up at the beginning of the year, month, or week to change something about themselves or their lifestyle. You see it everywhere. Gyms get bombarded with new members by the 3rd of January, classes get packed with students on Monday morning, and even churches get Continue Reading