21 Simple Ways to Be Healthier in 2021

healthy woman- 21 ways to be healthier in 2021

A person’s life isn’t what happens to them on the outside; it’s not the tragedies, misfortunes, illnesses, or injustices they encounter. Rather, it is their response to all of the above. 

In 2020, we all learned that there a whole lot of things that we don’t (and can’t) control. But we also learned that there are many things that we do (and can) control. 

Health is a concept that lies on the border of both. You can’t control what you were genetically born with, but there are certain things that you can do to better the situation or prevent further complications. 

What is health, really? I’m not a biologist. I am not a physician. But, I do know that it’s not just about the body. 

We are multi-dimensional beings. We are spirits that have minds (a will and emotions) and bodies. The boundaries between where one dimension ends and another starts are ambiguous. But, that doesn’t matter. Because we know that real health strikes a harmony among all three.

It’s called “holistic care,” which just means that if one part of you is messed up, then so will the rest. 

Health, therefore, is the sum of wellness in all three dimensions of human existence. 

Why should I care? 

Because prevention is better than cure. You will suffer more later if you don’t put in the care now. Don’t be a gambler with something that the entirety of your existence is depends on. And it’s not just a cost-benefit analysis. It’s quality of life, too. 

If you implement these tips, you won’t just work on preventing a major catastrophe when you’re older, but each day will feel much better overall. 

This article goes over 7 ways to be healthier in each dimension of health: the spirit, the mind, and the body. Collectively, they are 21 tips. 


The motto of this segment is to focus your time on what really matters.

1. Study the Bible 

Why specifically the Bible

Because, aside from it being the greatest work of literature in human history, it is also the literal words of the Creator of our spirits on how to care for them. This claim makes the assumption that the Christian God is the true Creator of our spirits, but I have many reasons to claim such.

studying the Bible-21 ways to be healthier in 2021

2. Prioritize God 

God is the Mind from which all life originates. You can’t talk health without talking spirituality. You can’t talk spirituality without talking theology. And you certainly can’t talk theology without bringing up Christianity. 

To have spiritual wellness, you must prioritize the Giver of the Spirit (and all life for that matter). Why? Because no-thing is ever well and happy functioning out of its original design. In other words, we need God to live and be well. Making big claims, I know. 

3. Pray Throughout the Day 

Prayer is the communion of the spirit with its Source. It’s not a lofty or completely metaphysical concept. It’s simply food for the spirit; it’s the nourishment it needs to be healthy because you are binding your spirit to the Thing It Runs On (i.e. God).

4. Serve Others 

Nothing makes one more miserable than a stingy, small soul that doesn’t want to give generously, love unconditionally, and serve humbly. There is real scientific evidence that helping others makes us happy.

5. Fellowship With Other Believers 

The above statement makes plenty of assumptions again, I know: a) that you are a believer, b) that you are willing to do as I say, and c) that the Christians are the people of the right kind of spirituality for holistic health.

I can’t but make those assumptions and put it this way. I cannot give tips on spiritual health without putting it in the light of Christianity. There is no spiritual health apart from the Christian God. Sorry, folks. Such thing doesn’t exist. Why that is so, is a different topic for a different post. 

And it has nothing to do with imposing my personal/religious beliefs. My beliefs are only what they are because of my reasons for them. And they are pretty darn good. 

Fellowship with other believers strengthens your faith because it offers you a base of support from people of similar values and understandings. It alleviates spiritual loneliness and gives you a common purpose with other human beings in the world, which is something we must have to spiritually thrive as a species.  

6. Practice YOUR Spiritual Gift 

Unto each of us is given a measure of faith to do precisely what God has called us to do. We all have different unique gifts of the spirit that, if we believe in and habitually practice, can make us live in the ecstasy of utter fulfillment.

So, find out your spiritual gift and practice it. And above all, use it in the service of others. 

7. Avoid Temptation at Its Onset 

Sin is to the spirit of man what a pathogen is to the body. Sin defiles our spirits and makes us ugly. It cannot coexist with spiritual peace. The great thing about Christianity, though, is that you don’t have to resist temptation and spiritual defilement on your own efforts. Rather, you have a helper (Christ) that stands next to you (when you allow Him) and does two things: 1) strengthens your will in the face of temptation and 2) purifies your desires by being your supreme example so that you no longer want to sin.


The motto of this segment is to educate yourself willingly and not wait for someone else to force you to do it. 

1. Read a Wide Range of Genres

You shouldn’t just read, but read different genres of writing. By genre, I don’t just mean “drama, horror, mystery, adventure, romance, etc…” I mean genres of writing not genres of novels. There is a huge difference. All novels are just one form of writing, the type (drama, comedy, horror, etc.) is only determined by the plot-line and not the style of the writing. 

That said, there are six definitive genres of writing: descriptive, expository, persuasive, narrative, technical, and poetic. Expose yourself to all of them. Analyze the different ways people portray specific ideas.

Why? Because a person who can read well becomes a person who can write well. And a person who can write well is a person who can think well.

2. Pick Up a New Language

Get out of your mental comfort zone. Challenge your brain to communicate in a different way. Learn a few new words from a foreign language when you can. The easiest way to do that is through the media. 

I don’t listen to any English songs or watch any English movies or TV shows. It’s all either Arabic, Spanish, French, or Indian.

Why do you do that? 

I do that because language is a science. It shapes the way we think. Each language bears with it a specific perspective through which its speakers see the world. The more languages you speak and can understand the more windows you have through which to see all of life. 

3. Write Down Your Thoughts 

A foggy, crowded mind is, essentially, an empty mind. Nothing of substance comes out of chaos, unless it is organized. So, it’s okay to feel like you are hosting a Saturday market in your neurons. Just take the time to put the thoughts and emotions down on paper and be free of their weight.

4. Debate an Issue With Another Person 

Debating with others is, in my opinion, the most entertaining way to discover new things about yourself and those around you.

You learn so much about both of your beliefs, biases, values, and reasonings. You learn to think quicker and communicate those thoughts more fluently. You also learn to be understanding of differing perspectives and have the conversations that must be had to make the world better.

But, since we can’t really meet other people right now, you can watch this Jubilee Middle Ground series. It offers almost the same benefits of having the debates yourself. I’m not lying one bit when I say I watched all 66 episodes since April 2020. It is absolutely phenomenal and intellectually entertaining. 

5. Practice a Hobby 

Play an instrument, a sport, or a board game. Sing, make art, make robots, or do anything that involves the perfecting of a skill. Enforcing a skill and working on it constantly changes the neural network in your brain regarding that skill and allows for more neural plasticity when learning other skills, which keeps you sharp.

practice a hobby- 21 simple ways to be healthier in 2021

6. Minimize Media Consumption 

The current state of the world makes it so that this is probably the last thing anyone can practically do. But is it? Just because we learn from our computers now and communicate with other people through them, doesn’t mean we have to succumb to everything that the media has to offer. I acknowledge that there are many benefits to it. I am the first to make use of these benefits through this very article. But, I also think we can all agree that it is often toxic, time-consuming, and harmful. So, as best as you can, utilize the pros and eliminate the cons. 

7. Make Friends 

People are fascinating, man. Yes, they can be a pain, but for the most part they are beautiful. I can’t help but think that the person sitting in the city bus chair across from me bears the image of God more than anything else I can look at/study in the universe. I can’t help but be nosy. I want to know their story (everyone has one), their beliefs, their hobbies, their interests. I can come-off as either an “intruder” or at the very least “too bubbly.” I’m fine with either if that means I get to know more about you. lol. 

How exactly does that benefit my mental health? 

Good question. The Mayo Clinic states that it can “increase your sense of belonging and purpose, boost your happiness and reduce your stress, improve your self-confidence and self-worth, help you cope with traumas, such as divorce, serious illness, job loss, or the death of a loved one.” Moral of the story: go ride a city bus. jk.


The motto of this segment is to take care of the House. 

1. Eat & Drink Well

Surprise! You didn’t expect that one, did you? I don’t need to harp on this for long. Please eat well. Here’s what this should look like.

Your body is the living temple of God. Feed it things that will honor it and protect its functions, not abuse and deteriorate them. Take care of it and cherish it and be grateful for all that it can do.

2. Move Your Body Often 

And to the basics we go!!! You have joints and bones for a reason. They are meant to be moved. And if you don’t use them, you lose them. Life is in a continual process of decay. Yea, you might be 17 or even 30 now, but you won’t be always. So, take care of these bones now and go get some exercise. Exercise boosts your energy, improves your mood, combats health conditions and diseases, and promotes better recovery of the body.

move your body- 21 simple habits to be healthier in 2021

3. Get Enough Sleep 

If you know me, then you know that I have the inhuman capacity to fall asleep in under 30 seconds and stay asleep for a full day and a half if nothing and no one wakes me up. I’m not chronically fatigued, I promise. It’s actually the opposite. I’ve gotten to this point where I don’t give a rip about anything anymore and can peacefully go about recovering my internal organs for as long as life would allow me. I’m not depressed either. I just love sleep. It feels really nice. You should try it some time. 

4. Keep Up With Your Internal Health

When was the last time you got a blood test or a medical scan done? When was the last time you tested for vitamin/mineral deficiencies? That stuff is vital to stay on track with your physical health. Often little things in the body create big problems if they aren’t treated right away. And how would you treat them if you don’t even know they exist? So, take regular doctor checkups with utmost seriousness. 

5. Manage Your Stress Levels 

Stress causes many health problems, “such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and mental disorders, like depression or anxiety”.

Who wants any of that? Yup, nobody. I thought so, too. 

Everyone has a different way of handling stress. My way is writing, exercising, and talking with God about it (praying). Everyone has different coping mechanisms. And what I might consider boring or more stressful than the stress I have, someone else might consider absolutely relaxing. Just do what works for you.

6. Maintain Proper Hygiene 

Aside from the sensory side effects of having bad hygiene, it is a wide open door for bacteria and viruses to enter into your body, or worse, be passed on to others. The chain of infection is a real thing, and something as little as hand washing, showering, or teeth brushing goes a long way.

7. Dedicate Time for Rest & Play 

I take that to mean: sleep and watch more Jubilee Middle Ground videos. You can take that to mean anything you want, as long as it makes you feel rested and refreshed. It’s sad that people think rest is a reward for hard work. But, it’s actually a requirement for hard work to even occur. 

If you are constantly tired and grouchy than that might be a clue that something is up. Maybe take a few hours, a few days, or a few weeks (however long your lifestyle allows) to rejuvenate yourself- spirit, mind, body, and all. 


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